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Souvenir Mutesi



Souvenir Mutesi is a Rwandese background living and working in the United Kingdom. She holds a Bachelor degree with Honours in Social Sciences from Middlesex University and a Diploma in Business Management and Administration from Cambridge Tutorial College. She also holds a Certificate on the Role of Women in Agricultural Development from the State of Israel and an NVQ Level 3 in Children’s Learning and Development from Westminster Kingsway College. She is the Founder and CEO of Rwanda Sisterhood Association, a platform aiming to consolidate the input of the diaspora to enforce Children’s and Women’s health in Africa. She is an Author for Children’s healthy eating and her book was cited in a Study conducted by the University College London.  


Souvenir quick started her career in 1998 as a Consultant for the European Union and German Agro Action in Water Management and Training in Rwanda. During this period, she designed a rural water management scheme which was used as a model by other International Organisation working in the same field. She also coordinated a film production highlighting food and water hygiene practice awareness, shown on national TV and community centers.


During the same period, Souvenir took a role as Program Assistant with German Agro Action for project management. She was in charge of identifying the needs of the rural districts with the highest shortage of drinking water. She also supervised the Micro Credit finances, capacity building and empowering women through sustainable agricultural development.


In 2013 with the collaboration of Local Authority, Souvenir successfully hosted her first International Women’s Days Conference in the Southwark Mayor’s Office in London under the theme Women’s role in Forging Unity and Reconciliation, attracting the participation of his Lordship Abdul Mohamed, Mayor of Southwark, spouses of African High Commissioners, as well as women from 14 different countries. The conference was addressed by Advocate Karen McKenzie, Acting Head of Human Rights at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London.


By her second International Women’s Day, Souvenir made a leap and got the collaboration of the Commonwealth to host the 2014 Conference that attracted Dr. Josephine Ojiambo, Commonwealth Deputy Secretary General as a Keynote Speaker.  


In October 2012, Souvenir initiated MAMA PACK Project with the help of health professionals to help reduce the Infant Mortality and Maternal Mortality rate in Rwanda. The success of which has led to the coalition of 10 African countries including Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Ethiopia, Guinea, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan and Zimbabwe for the creation of a platform to enhance for Children’s and Women’s health in Africa.


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